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Book Cover

Discover an online book cover maker very easy to use

Nowadays , Book covers are widely used in the world of Web Design.
Many designs need to be customized quickly and easily.
Picfont's free book cover maker is ready to make your work much more easier.

You simply need to click on Make a new book cover button and that's all. Next step will be to change background image with CHANGE (button), and customize texts with a lot of font and effects.

The photo gallery will help you to create a beautiful book cover. You can also use your own picture just by uploading a photo.

Create an Ebook Cover for Free

  1. Click on Make a new book cover button
    A new image will be created (1410x2250 pixels) (that can be resized too).
  2. Change the images or the background color.
    Upload your own images or choose from the wide gallery or change only the background color .
  3. Change the text colors and fonts.
    Use a variety of fonts and effects with your texts or pick up text sample to get a new effect for your cover.
  4. Save result.
    Get a really nice book cover to share with your friends on social media or add it to your blog, forum ...

You can also start a book cover with one of these models

New models will come soon...