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Image sizes

List of standard image sizes for Web Design & Social Media

Discover many references of dimensions to start a design.
Just choose a box to create a picture, then you'll be able to transform your design with many options, effects. Width and Height of graphic elements are expressed in pixels.

Type Width x Height Preview  
Presentation 1024 x 768
Social Media 800 x 800
A4 (web 70 dpi) 595 x 842
Twitter Post 1024 x 512
Twitter Header 1500 x 500
Facebook Post 940 x 788
Facebook Cover 820 x 312
Instagram Post 1080 x 1080
Book Cover 1410 x 2250
Youtube Channel 2048 x 1152
Pinterest Graphic 735 x 1102
Tumblr Graphic 540 x 810
Advertise #1 728 x 90
Advertise #2 300 x 250
Advertise #3 300 x 600
Advertise #4 160 x 600
  1. Click on a box
    A new image will be created (with pixels dimensions depending on your choice).
  2. Change the images or the background color
    Upload your own images or choose from the wide gallery or change only the background color .
  3. Change the text colors and fonts
    Use a variety of fonts and effects with your texts or pick up text sample to get a new effect for your cover.
  4. Save result
    Get a really picture to share with your friends on social media or add it to your blog, forum ...

All dimensions listed in pixels have been found on differents websites. Maybe they have changed or will change... This list is not exhaustive.